After using Github for my daily work, I have come to the conclusion that Github... kind of sucks.
Repacking AWS Aurora PostgreSQL
This post details how to reduce bloat in Postgres/Aurora for the purposes of increasing performance and reducing costs.
Don't reinvent the `if` statement
The senior engineer was faced with code that stopped him in his tracks...
Svn2Git svn-all-fast-export Common Errors
As I was going through the process of converting SVN repositories to Git repositories, with the svn2git tool, I frequently ran into problems.
Ant execute actions based on if else conditions for an environment variable
Sometimes you may need to take different actions during your Java application build process depending on if an environment variable is set.
Waiting on font load for HTML5 canvas using Web Font Loader
Sometimes you may need to take different actions during your Java application build process depending on if an environment variable is set.
Box2dWeb dynamic objects pass through some static bodies
While making a little game, I ran into an issue when using polygons where some moving objects would collide with a static body and slowly move through it as if it were a dense medium. This issue did not occur when the static body was created with the SetAsBox method. When creating a shape as a box, the moving objects bounced off correctly.
Box2dWeb b2World is not defined
As I was playing around with a javascript physics engine called Box2dWeb. Almost immediately, I ran into an issue. I was receiving the error in Chrome console: Uncaught ReferenceError: b2World is not defined
ExtJS overwrite listener
Sometimes you need to overwrite an event listener in ExtJS. Usually listeners are registered like this:
Troubleshooting Procrun Windows Service Start
Recently I came across an issue where I was not able to start a service: My Service (service) service is starting. My Service (service) service could not be started.
Zabbix Common Errors
Another blog post here with some common errors.
ExtJS Unable to override class method
I recently ran into a problem where I could not override a mixin class function.
ExtJS passing parameters to a store proxy
I recently ran into a problem where I could not override a mixin class function.
ExtJS custom textfield validation for natural numbers.
I recently ran into a problem where I could not override a mixin class function.
ORA-44416 Unresolved Principal
Having an issue creating an ACL (Access Control List) in Oracle 11g database.